The FAB&PP Poem of the Month for August

'frame of reference'

he gazes on the waters
that move at a pace
indifferent to his

behind glass and
high enough
to sweep the river and
the bay

or closeby the shores
swift enough to see the
tide but slow
enough to pace
the ships crossing
the horizon

unlike the clouds
    from the sky
as we fly racing slowly above
them they
are frozen

    our prespective
the pace of nature

    it looks
like death
    whereas the sea
from the shore is life

[and when he sees]
the Promethian sunset
frozen gorgrous but
still as we pass

[instead of watching the
disappearing sun, a
slow reflection of
heartbeat and pine]

he sits aloft
    disjointed again
content to reflect
and watch admire

the landscape
    oil tanks


rails and shore
slicked shipyards and
crushed downtowns
clustered crushing close
to mother bridges
daughter malls,
presiding parking lots
all slip by
like the sea
    out of scale
out of time's

going by

    the passage
a way from the sea
and the visions
towards home

[but] not the left
'from which trucks
may enter'

he strides
towards time

early July, 1997
This poem is protected by copyright. You may print it for your own use only; other reproduction, commercial use and/or re-distribution of the poem is prohibited.

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