The FAB&PP Poem of the Month for March, 2000
a poem in several parts
some days i think 'this is madness' the day dreaming the time marking the pages full of fitful poetry big plays on small words scribbled still on smaller pages but no, i think, i'll be ok at that [finally, when i'm] retired moving thorough the same old banalities in tottering days isolated [i think] i'm good at routine and i've got this one down pat bathroom breakfast medication shower |
the cats perched on bedroom monuments waiting for the morning dance to start swapping off their duties one will play the other disappears or pouts or meditates with dorothy or lazes in the living room waiting for her cue the other goes to work rubs my knees and [then] politely leaves when I rise |
the way i used to follow the mass from the side balcony over looking the latin mutterings and putterings marking my missal with feathered angels anticipating the movement my conscience suspended my disbelief another matter the harmony of the day the focus the kneeling and [going through] the motions [i think] the activity is the goal the routine the reward |